About ArtiFACT
Thanks for visiting my site! I'm glad you want to learn more. Here's a little info about my research and goals.
This all started when I noticed a weird warping of space in my backyard. It was like there are a tear in the air itself, in the world, and I could just barely see something beyond.
However, when I moved closer to investigate, it disappeared.
Since then, I've come across mysterious artifacts, like the strange box I've been recreating (check out my blog for information on that!), and I've documented evidence of beings I call Drifters.

The beginnings of my theory on rift travel between worlds
I believe that there are beings not of our world, using rifts (what I call that warping of space I saw before) to travel between worlds. I was able to get a picture of one, entirely by accident. They looked like any other person, but when I looked at the photo after, it was as if they were a ghost, or many layers of a ghost. I'm calling these beings Drifters. I suspect the artifacts I'm finding are connected to them.
I began to realize the significance of my studies. I've constantly been trying to come up with "outside the box" thinking for the insurmountable problems we as humans face. Problems that will continue to grow. I think often of Daniel Quinn's idea of a "new renaissance". That we are in the dark ages, and we don't yet see the change that will bring about the renaissance. But to get there, we need to change our way of thinking.
Now, after years of frustration and ineffective ideas, I have stumbled across what may be the greatest solution of all.
If we can gain access to other worlds, we can move to them. We can study them. Acquire resources. This is my aim. I will uncover the mysteries of artifacts and Drifters, and use them to save the human race.